All welcome - Horses available to hire! No need for membership!

What Sort of Activities Will be Organised?

Mounted – Activities / Instruction:
  • Schooling / riding to music. Musical ride / Quadrille
  • Dressage test practice – how to improve your score from the judge
  • Jumping – general practice with practice over a course
  • Jumping - gridwork
  • Jumping – simulated cross country using show jumps
  • Style Jumping - what the judge is looking for
  • Showing - how to ride an individual show, judges tips, ring craft
  • Guest Instructors 
  • Club Camp week / weekend – just like Pony Club days!
  • Show jumping - course building or how to walk a course


  • Discounted show entries at shows organised by the Riding Club
  • Discounted rally prices (compared to non-members)
  • BRC membership benefits - see the British Riding Clubs homepage

All Riding Club activities are advertised on our Tumpy Green Equestrian Centre Riding Club Facebook Group - so join the group to keep up to date with our club.

Up-coming rallies:

Jo Dyer: BHS Stage 4 Coach and Eventer. Every Wednesday (Except 31st July):                                                                    1pm Flatwork, 1.45pm Jumping - £25 per 45-min group

Tom Rowland: 5* Eventer - Dates TBC - £35 per 45 minute group.

Working Equitation with Claire Chiba: 27th July, 31st August - 2pm and 3pm - £25/1hr group

Amanda Heimens: Advanced dressage trainer, BD Judge. 1st August 5.30pm and 6pm -                                                                                                                                £25/1hr group

Ellen Berchner-Nolan: UKCC L3 Dressage Coach, BHS APC, Centre 10 Performance Coach:                                     Rider Biomechanics inc Frankin Balls - TBC

Ali Lane: BD Trainer, UKCC, Biomechanics Coach, Testt certified Coach: 12th October -TBC

Centaur Biomechanics with Dr Russell McKechnie-Guire: BHSI, PhD in Equine Biomechanics, Researcher: Biomechanics Centred Coaching with postural analysis equipment - TBC

ALL BOOKINGS THROUGH EMAIL - Horse Hire available (£20 per session) - Non-members welcome. Please email to express your interest with discipline requests and ability levels.


Please email for a membership form or more details