We will do our utmost to keep you safe. However, horses and ponies may sometimes be unpredictable.
Our instructors all hold or are working towards qualifications within the BHS structure.
Your choice to ride is voluntary. We take care to provide suitable horses and ponies for customers but all animals are unpredictable.
We advise you to take out full personal accident cover.
All equipment supplied is regularly checked and meets all recommended safety standards where applicable.
Health and Safety guidelines are prominently displayed and strictly adhered to at all times. We have procedures in place to minimise any risks to all who spend time with us at Tumpy Green Equestrian Centre, staff, spectators and clients.
All our staff and trainees are given training in safety procedures including what to do in the event of an accident or fire.
An incident book is kept at Tumpy Green Equestrian Centre for the recording of minor accidents or falls by staff, trainees and clients.